Monstrant Astra Viam

Monstrant Astra Viam: The stars show the way to follow

Origin: Latin

Astrology fascinated me often. The idea that my own being is bound to a constellation shining in the sky, intrigued me. Stars were used in navigating dark seas and this is kind of how I view astrology. For me, it was something that made me fall in love with myself. A focal point to ground me when I am overwhelmed with everyone’s opinion of me. When their projections clouded my own perception of myself.

Objectified, patronized, or put on a pedestal. I mean you name it. We all have been there. Sometimes, it can get hard to hold on to your true essence. Astrology made me grateful for my stubbornness, my empathetic tendencies, and my curiosity; regardless of anyone’s opinion. It gave me a comforting sense that our dreams are not merely dreams; but rather a map. That we are who we are for a purpose.

It taught me how to appreciate the differences and quirks of the people I meet. That it isn’t a coincidence that we met at that moment. That you are here to teach me something and so am I or maybe to make you smile or cry.

Connection, yes that is the word. Astrology is connection. A connection to yourself and to others. A connection to the universe. And if you can’t relate to my rationale here…you are such a Capricorn. No? A Virgo?

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