

Querencia (noun): an area in the arena taken by the bull for a defensive stand in a bullfight. 

Origin: Spanish 

In each country I have traveled to, I had one. A place where all your defenses fall and where you can just be. A place of no judgment where you are comfortable being your true self. Where your weirdness is not weirdness but rather a fascinating aspect of you that you express freely and unashamedly.

Querencia is a person; a synchronous rhythm your soul will recognize or maybe a heart desire. Querencia is the comfort in knowing that even if the seasons change and your leaves fall, it doesn’t matter because your roots are still anchoring you.  You are eternally evergreen. The comfort of having something or someone to go back to. That it is safe to lean; you won’t fall.

Querencia is not a home, it is your north star. A constancy within change. A place where your strength is drawn from; a place of direct connection to the divine or maybe just a blanket weaved of momentarily yet monumental moments of familiar warmth. A safety net with a thread extended to you whenever you need it so, you are never lost. You will be found. 

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